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Mr Shersingh Kumar, CEO, Rymbal

1. With what mission and objectives, the company was set up? Tell us about your
journey since the inception of the company?

There is no denying the fact that the Indian footwear industry is ever evolving, producing 2.8
billion pairs of footwear each year, but the majority of them end up in landfills after
consumption/end of life.

Today consumers are increasingly concerned about sustainability of
the product and seeking for ‘Green and clean’ solutions, we came up with the concept and built
Rymbal as an excellent solution to take this large footwear industry to sustainable path. At
Rymbal, we are committed to developing sustainable Polyurethane solutions that are eco-
friendly and safe while maintaining superior quality, comfort and performance standards.
The founding team’s passion and dedication laid all the groundwork for what would eventually
grow into a thriving enterprise. Thus, since its inception, Rymbal has embarked on a remarkable
journey of growth and driving innovation. Furthermore, the focus will remain on establishing a
strong foothold in the market and creating value by offering differentiated solutions.

2. Tell us how your company’s technology is contributing to sustainability?

Rymbal believes that sustainability is not just a choice but a responsibility towards the
environment. As a responsible Polyurethane system manufacturer, Rymbal is taking various
initiatives to reduce the environmental impact of the footwear industry and create a sustainable
ecosystem. Our current technology offering focuses on eliminating restricted chemicals and
limiting their use to permissible bands during the manufacturing of Polyurethane systems. All
our formulations are REACH compliant. Additionally, we have successfully developed solutions
to reduce/eliminate harmful chemicals such as Phenol, phthalates, polycyclic aromatic
hydrocarbons (PAH) and other chemicals that pose a threat to the environment and human

3. What is your biggest USP that differentiates the company from competitors?

What sets us apart from competitors is our current investment in R&D and commitment to
developing PU solutions for the future of the footwear industry. We recognize that the footwear
industry is highly competitive and constantly evolving, driven by changing customer
preferences, technological advancements and sustainability concerns. We are committed to
developing innovative, eco-friendly polyurethane materials that reduce environmental impact
without compromising performance. This includes exploring bio-based or recycled materials and
incorporating sustainable manufacturing practices. Our goal is to offer footwear manufacturers
sustainable alternatives that align with their environmental goals and resonate with eco-
conscious consumers.

4. How do you see the trends changing in the industry in the future ahead?

Firstly, the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) is expanding the scope of footwear types under its
gamut by introducing higher-quality footwear being produced in India, which expands the
potential for export for Indian footwear firms. Secondly, envisaging a significant shift in Fashion
and Sports footwear will enhance creativity and increase the need for comfort and durability.
Finally, embracing eco-friendly products in Polyurethanes will almost become a necessity in the
coming years given the government’s focus and commitment on reducing carbon emissions. We
expect to be on course to meet the evolving needs of the market through our PU systems.

5. How does Rymbal prioritize continuous improvement and innovation in its
polyurethane system production to maintain its commitment to quality?


The Indian footwear industry, given its enormous scale of producing 2.8 billion pairs of
footwear annually, can significantly benefit from using innovative chemically recycled
polyurethane. Polyurethane is not inherently recyclable and would end in landfill post completion
of footwear’s service life. Incorporating recycled PU materials in footwear production reduces
the industry dependence on conventional petroleum-based resources. This shift not only
contributes to sustainability goals by reducing environmental impact but also showcases India
as a society committed to addressing environmental concerns. Ultimately, the advantages of
using recycled polyurethane in footwear manufacturing are two-fold: environmental benefits and
a positive image for the industry.

6. What are your plans going forward, how are you planning to add value to your
community in the next year?

With the commitment and focus on innovation, Rymbal’s future plans are multidimensional. We
will invest further in manufacturing capabilities through capacity addition at our existing plant in
Bahadurgarh, Haryana and in a new greenfield facility in the South. We are also eyeing
geographic expansion beyond India, exploring export markets to Europe and SE Asia.
Additionally, next year we are planning to implement our ESG objectives with a focus on
reducing the carbon emissions from the current base of our manufacturing plant. This will add
value not only to our community but also to the nation.

#FootwearMedia #Rymbal #PU #PolyurethaneSystem

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